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4 off 10cm Jade Glass Square Coasters in a Gift Box
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Print Color:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Triangle
- Line
- Polyline
- Free draw
Shape Color:
100mm(w) x 6mm(h)
Print type and position
Sub-Surface EngravingOn Application: 70(w) x 70(h)
Sandblast EngravingOn Application: 70(w) x 70(h)
DigitalOn Application: 70(w) x 70(h)
DecalOn Application: 70(w) x 70(h)
All dimensions are in millimetres
002144353 4 off 10cm Jade Glass Square Coasters in a Gift Box
A simple yet very useful gift, the set comprises of 4 off 10cm jade glass coasters in a foam lined gift box. The coasters can be personalised with any crest, logo or wording to gives you the ideal opportunity to get your company logo and contact details onto your customers desk with a product that will be used every day. Print method offered on the product is Digital Colour Printing, Decal(High Fire Colour Printing), Sandblast Engraving, Sub Surface Engraving. Also available Colour Infill, CGi Colour3D print method contact us for details.
Price breaks and print colour options
Quantity | 1 | 24 | 200 |
Sandblast Engraving - 1nd Position | £28.70 | £26.53 | £24.76 |
Sandblast Engraving - 2nd Position | £33.51 | £31.18 | £29.27 |
Sandblast Engraving Origination | 27.9125 | 26.9555 | 26.158 |
Quantity | 1 | 24 | 200 |
Sub-Surface Engraving 1nd Position | £28.70 | £26.53 | £24.76 |
Sub-Surface Engraving 2nd Position | £33.51 | £31.18 | £29.27 |
Sub-Surface Engraving Origination | 55.9125 | 53.9955 | 52.398 |
Quantity | 1 | 24 | 200 |
Digital Full Colour 2nd Position | £33.51 | £31.18 | £29.27 |
Digital Origination | 27.5625 | 26.6175 | 25.83 |
All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage